GPU scalpers sælger RTX 3060 forud for release

RTX GeForce 3060 FE nvidia
Vi ved, at NVIDIAs kommende GeForce RTX 3060 grafikkort vil blive lanceret den 25. februar, og mange detailhandlere har også taget imod forudbestillinger på grafikkortet. En pakistansk forhandler, ZAH Computers, ignorerer fuldstændigt NVIDIAs udgivelsesdato og sælger åbenlyst Palit RTX 3060 grafikkort.

Forud for den officielle lanceringsdato 25. februar 2021, sælger ZAH Computers Palit GeForce RTX 3060 Dual OC grafikkort til 120.000 PKR (pakistanske rupees), hvilket omregnet svarer til omkring $ 750 USD. Det sætter fortjenesten på himmelflugt, da GeForce RTX 3060 grafikkort formodes at særamme en pris på $ 329. ZAH har forklaret, at årsagen til den høje pris skyldes “high customs duties and import prices”. Vi tillader os at trække BS-kortet!



“simply put are excuses that these distributors and dealers are known to hide behind and have been doing so for quite a while now”.

“The other thing is that these prices won’t just come down when the official launch happens on the 25th of February. Unlike preliminary pre-order prices in EU & US markets, the Pakistani prices are going to remain intact and will only go up considering the rising inflation and the ever-dropping value of the PKR compared to USD”.

“We have been told that this ZAH Computers has sold multiple units and are easily available to buyers who are willing to pay the scaled prices. With the same amount of money, you can get NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 3070 or if lucky, even an RTX 3080 graphics card but that’s the price you have to pay for living in an entirely unregulated market place”.

- Wccftech via Reddit

Vi stiller løbende skarpt på, om der kommer en reaktion fra NVIDIA.


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