Facebook idømmes KÆMPE bøde

Vi har for nylig hørt et rygte om, at FTC ville idømme Facebook en bøde over Cambridge Analytica skandalen.

Nu er det officielt. FTC har meddelt, at det vil medføre en bøde til FaceBook på 5 milliarder dollars.

Som en del af aftalen mellem Facebook og FTC indfører FTC nogle nye fortrolighedsbegrænsninger for Facebook.

“Despite repeated promises to its billions of users worldwide that they could control how their personal information is shared, Facebook undermined consumers’ choices,” said FTC Chairman Joe Simons. “The magnitude of the $5 billion penalty and sweeping conduct relief are unprecedented in the history of the FTC. The relief is designed not only to punish future violations but, more importantly, to change Facebook’s entire privacy culture to decrease the likelihood of continued violations. The Commission takes consumer privacy seriously, and will enforce FTC orders to the fullest extent of the law.” -FTC

Facebook bliver nu nødt til at være betydeligt mere gennemsigtig end tidligere om privatlivets fred, og virksomheden vil nu være mere ansvarlig over for FTC i fremtiden. FTC har sagt, at selskabets direktører nu skal overvåge privatlivets fred og ikke Mark Zuckerberg.

“The order creates greater accountability at the board of directors level. It establishes an independent privacy committee of Facebook’s board of directors, removing unfettered control by Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg over decisions affecting user privacy. Members of the privacy committee must be independent and will be appointed by an independent nominating committee. Members can only be fired by a supermajority of the Facebook board of directors. – FTC”

Facebook har frigivet en erklæring om aftalen mellem dem og FTC, og du kan se en del af denne erklæring nedenfor:

The accountability required by this agreement surpasses current US law and we hope will be a model for the industry. It introduces more stringent processes to identify privacy risks, more documentation of those risks, and more sweeping measures to ensure that we meet these new requirements. Going forward, our approach to privacy controls will parallel our approach to financial controls, with a rigorous design process and individual certifications intended to ensure that our controls are working — and that we find and fix them when they are not. – Facebook

Det vil være interessant at se, om Facebook kan holde sig til denne aftale, og om de vil begynde at sætte folks privatliv foran deres overskud.

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