Biomutant er et action-rollespil i et open-world miljø og spillet fra et tredjepersonsperspektiv, hvor spilleren tager kontrol over en pattedyrskriger i en verden fyldt med muterede dyr. Se traileren nedenfor for at lære mere om, hvad du kan forvente af gameplay og spilhistorie.
“Explore the dying wildland, the tunnels and bunker networks of the underworld, and find your way up the mountains or out in the archipelago. There are lots of discoveries to be made, mysteries to unravel, creatures to confront and weird characters to meet in this vibrant and colorful world. AN UNUSUAL STORY WITH AN UNUSUAL END Your actions play a major part in the unfolding of a story where End is coming to the New World.
A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided, in need of someone strong enough to unite them or bring them all down… You are guided through the world by a Storyteller that narrates every step of your journey, but it’s your actions and choices that’ll decide how your story of survival ends.”
Source : Major Nelson