World of Warcraft Shadowlands udvidelse i 2020

Udvidelsen af World of Warcraft Shadowlands lanceres ved udgangen af 2020, har Blizzard bekræftet.

Indtil videre bekræftede Blizzard kun, at den kommende World of Warcraft udvidelse ville frigives i løbet af 2020. Under selskabets seneste earnings call for 1. kvartal for regnskabsåret 2020 annoncerede Blizzards præsident J. Allen Brack, at Shadowlands expansion, til trods for COVID-19, stadig er på vej til med en frigivelse i år og gav os en mere specifik udgivelsesramme - sidst i 2020.

“On the development side, our teams have done a really good job in shifting to work from home”, Brack told investors. “We’re able to welcome select players into the closed alpha for Shadowlands last month. And thanks to the hard work of the team, Shadowlands is on track to launch in Q4 of this year.”

Den seneste World of Warcraft udvidelse, Legion og Battle for Azeroth, blev frigivet i henholdsvis august 2016 og august 2018. Warlords of Draenor lancerede imidlertid tilbage i november 2014.

Shadowlands udvidelsen testes i øjeblikket i closed alfa, og den vil ligeledes bringe ray tracing skygger og Variable Rate Shading (VRS) til World of Warcraft.

I Shadowlands vil spillerne være i stand til at level fra niveau 50 til niveau 60 i Azeroths afterlive. 

”World of Warcraft players entering the fabled Shadowlands will find the realms of the dead in upheaval. Under the normal order, departed souls were delivered to a realm appropriate to the lives they led, but now, all souls are being funneled into the Maw, where the most wicked are damned to suffer for eternity. As they seek to right the cycle and uncover the extent of Sylvanas’ designs, players will forge bonds with the Covenants who hold domain over different planes within the Shadowlands”

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