T-Mobile har bekræftet databrud

T Mobile
Der har været flere rygter om et databrud på T-Mobile i løbet af de sidste par dage, rygter har antydet, at hackere har fået adgang til data om omkring 100 millioner kunder.

T-Mobile har nu officielt bekræftet databruddet i en erklæring, virksomheden har udtalt, at de stadig undersøger lækket.

We have been working around the clock to investigate claims being made that T-Mobile data may have been illegally accessed. We take the protection of our customers very seriously and we are conducting an extensive analysis alongside digital forensic experts to understand the validity of these claims, and we are coordinating with law enforcement.

Virksomheden har bekræftet, at nogle af deres data var genstand for uberettiget adgang, selvom de endnu ikke har bekræftet, om der var adgang til personlige kundedata, flere detaljer nedenfor.

We have determined that unauthorized access to some T-Mobile data occurred, however we have not yet determined that there is any personal customer data involved. We are confident that the entry point used to gain access has been closed, and we are continuing our deep technical review of the situation across our systems to identify the nature of any data that was illegally accessed. This investigation will take some time but we are working with the highest degree of urgency. Until we have completed this assessment we cannot confirm the reported number of records affected or the validity of statements made by others.

Det er endnu ikke klart, hvor omfattende databruddet har været. Du kan se flere detaljer på T-Mobile-webstedet på linket herunder.


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