Carrier Command 2 VR lanceres 10. august

carrier 2
Udviklingsteamet, der står bag det nye virtual reality-spil, Carrier Command 2, har annonceret, at det officielt lanceres senere på måneden.

Carrier Command 2 frigives officielt fra den 10. august 2021. Spillet giver dig mulighed for at tage kontrol over et fuldt udstyret hangarskib og er et mekanisk strategispil.

Carrier Command 2 giver dig mulighed for at bruge både land- og sø-køretøjer samt krydsermissiler til at gennemføre din mission. Tjek traileren herunder for at lære mere om, hvad du kan forvente af det nye virtual reality-militære simuleringsspil fra MicroProse.

“Carrier Command 2 is a real-time strategy game that puts you in command of a futuristic carrier able to deploy a vast array of aircraft and amphibious units. Compete against AI or human players and hop into every single vehicle to take matters into your own hands!”

Se videoen på YouTube

“The long awaited return of the strategical military conquest game. A nostalgic tribute to the 1988 original, reimagined and scaled to modern hardware and audiences. Carrier Command 2 is a deeply mechanical strategy game, where the player commands the immense military power of the ACC Carrier, armed with cruise missiles and the capabilities of launchable land and sea vehicles. At sea, and in isolation, with very limited support, the player is balanced on a knife edge between conquest and defeat.”

Source & Image credit:

Road to VR :  CC2

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