Gamescom 2021 bliver en digital begivenhed

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Arrangørerne af det årlige Gamescom-event har i denne uge meddelt, at Gamescom 2021 igen vil afholdes som et digital event. Gamescom er i øjeblikket den største begivenhed inden for computer- og videospil og Europas mest “comprehensive business platform for the games industry” og vil igen være gratis for alle

Beslutningen er truffet af German Games Industry Association og Koelnmesse under hensyntagen til den aktuelle situation, hvor for mange virksomheder ikke er i stand til at deltage i fysiske begivenheder i år på grund af den igangværende verdensomspændende pandemi.

“With Gamescom 2021, Koelnmesse and game – The German Games Industry Association want to build directly on the success of last year’s online event. gamescom will once again be kicked off by the spectacular gamescom: Opening Night Live with Geoff Keighley. The gamescom now content hub is being completely relaunched in a more attractive design with numerous additional features for fans and partners. Also new is gamescom epix, a community campaign that allows fans to playfully immerse themselves in the gamescom universe on the road to gamescom. Starting with gamescom: Opening Night Live on Wednesday evening (August 25) to Friday evening (August 27), gamescom fans can look forward to a full program, with some of the highlights and promotions also running over the weekend.

At gamescom 2021, you can expect, among other things: 100% entertainment and news with gamescom: Opening Night Live, gamescom studio and gamescom: Awesome Indies, 100% gaming content in one place with the completely revamped content hub gamescom now, 100% community atmosphere and epic adventures thanks to the brand new community action gamescom epix and 100% indie power with the Indie Arena Booth Online exclusive at gamescom now.”

Source: Gamescom 2021

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