Ny Windows 11 Store på vej til Windows 10

Windows 11 Store kommer også til windows 10
Microsoft har i denne uge bekræftet, at den nye Windows 11-applikationsbutik også bliver tilgængelig på det aldrene Windows 10-operativsystem.

Med integrationen af nyeste Windows 11 Store, får du mulighed for at finde og installere applikationer fra den nyligt opdaterede Microsoft Windows 11-butik på pc-systemer, der kører det nuværende og næste generations Microsoft Windows-operativsystem.

”A few years ago, we launched the Microsoft Store on Windows. The Microsoft Store is now one of the most used apps on PCs, and customers tell us they love the convenience and reassurance it brings, compared to the risks of installing apps from the web. However, app developers have told us that technical and policy constraints built into the original foundations of the Store sometimes made it difficult to get their apps published. We’ve used this feedback to re-think and rebuild the Microsoft Store, so it can meet the needs of customers and developers alike.”

“We gave a few app publishers an early look at our plans, and today, we’re excited to share that several awesome apps, including Adobe Creative Cloud, Disney+, TikTok, Zoom, and some of our own apps like Microsoft Teams, Visual Studio, and even Notepad and Paint will be coming to the Microsoft Store on Windows. All the content in the Microsoft Store is tested for security, family safety and device compatibility.”

- Microsoft

For mere information om, hvad du kan forvente af den nye Microsoft Windows 11 Store, og dens nye design, funktioner og layout, kan du besøge den officielle Windows-blog ved at følge nedenstående link. Windows 11 giver dig også mulighed for at køre dine foretrukne Android-mobilspil og -applikationer på Windows takket være et partnerskab med Amazon, som bringer deres katalog over Android-applikationer til Windows-platformen og -butikken.


Kilde: Microsoft Blog

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