NHS åbner UK's første gaming afhængighedsklinik

Afhængighed har mange ansigter, og anno 2019, kan områder som gaming tilskrives. samme område. Gaming Addiction blev officielt anerkendt som en mental lidelse af World Health Organization tidligere på året, selvom masser af psykiatere og lignende stadig udfordrer denne beslutning.

Tilbage i juni 2018 kom det frem, at NHS ville åbne det første center for spilmisbrugere i Storbritannien. Tiden er endelig kommet, og det første klinik og dertilhørende services åbnes i denne måned som en del af det nationale center for adfærdsafhængighed, der er lokaliseret ved siden af National Problem Gambling Clinic. Klinikken vil fokusere på unge i alderen 13-25 år.

Simon Stevens, administrerende direktør i NHS England fortæller:

“Health needs are constantly changing which is why the NHS must never stand still – this new service is a response to an emerging problem, part of the increasing pressures that children and young people are exposed to these days.

However, the NHS should not be left to pick up the pieces – gambling and internet firms have a responsibility to their users as well as their shareholders and should do their utmost to prevent rather than cash in on obsessive or harmful behavior”

Claire Murdoch, National Mental Health Director hos NHS England tilføjede:

“Compulsive gaming and social media and internet addiction is a problem that is not going to go away when they play such a key part in modern life.

The NHS is rising to the challenge – as it always does – with these new, innovative services, but we can’t be expected to pick up the pieces, which is why tech giants need to recognise the impact that products which encourage repeated and persistent use have on young people and start taking their responsibilities seriously too”

Center for Internet and Gaming Disorders, forklarer, at en del af NHS langsigtede plan, vil blive ledet af Dr. Henrietta Bowden-Jones (OBE), der delte følgende udsagn:

” The centre for gaming and internet addictions is the first and only specialist service on the NHS. I am delighted to be leading it and grateful to the NHS for recognising the problem, which will ultimately see us helping thousands of children and young people”

Gaming Addiction blev officielt anerkendt som en mental lidelse af World Health Organization tidligere på året, selvom masser af psykiatere og lignende stadig udfordrer denne beslutning.

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